What are The Signs and Symptoms of Baldness? How is Baldness Prevented?
Men often lose their hair with age and this condition is called baldness. In the language of science, it is also called androgenetic alopecia. People ignore it when its initial symptoms appear, but after the age of 30, it becomes very effective, which gradually ends the hair of the whole head.
What are The Signs and Symptoms of Baldness?
Round and patchy patches of baldnes.s – Some people have coin-shaped and smooth scaly patches. In some cases, itching and pain may be experienced in that area before hair loss. This type of problem often affects the scalp itself, but sometimes it also affects the beard or eyebrows.
Sudden hair loss – A physical or mental shock can cause sudden hair loss. In this, even a handful of hair comes in hand by washing hair, combing or pulling it lightly. In this type of baldness, the spots of baldness are not formed, but the hair of the entire scalp starts decreasing.
Hair loss all over the body – Chemotherapy used for cancer causes hair loss all over the body. Hair usually grows back.
Ringworm rash spreading all over the scalp – This is a sign of ringworm infection. It can be accompanied by problems like hair breakage, redness, swelling and irritation.
What are the causes of baldness?
Mental stress – Any type of physical trauma, surgery, any accident or any serious illness can cause temporary hair loss. Hair loss becomes a noticeable problem 3 to 6 months after any type of trauma. As the body starts to recover, the hair starts growing again.
Pregnancy - A lot of hormonal changes take place in the body of women during pregnancy, which can cause hair loss. Hair loss is more common after a baby is born than during pregnancy. (Read more: Pregnancy symptoms)
Protein deficiency – If there is a deficiency of protein in the diet, then the body tries to save the remaining protein in the body by stopping the growth of hair. It starts after two or three months of reduction in protein intake.
Baldness in men – After the age of 60, about 2 out of 3 men have the problem of baldness, most of the times the problem of hair loss in men is due to male pattern baldness. Thus baldness is also caused by a combination of genes and hormones, usually with a classic pattern of hair loss between the ears and the forehead.
Hormones in women – Abruptly quitting or changing birth control pills often causes changes in hormones, which leads to hair loss and increases the chances of baldness already in the family. Hair loss can also occur due to changes in the hormonal balance in the body of women during menopause.
Deficiency of Vitamin B – Lack of Vitamin B in the body is also a reason for baldness.
Alopecia – This is a sudden onset condition that causes hair loss in children and adolescents. In this, the hair is often completely removed in some parts of the scalp, causing the appearance of spots. In this condition, sometimes complete baldness also occurs, but 90% of the people associated with this problem grow back in a few years. In this situation, the sequence of hair regrowth and re-fall can be unpredictable.
Scalp Infections – Infections such as ringworm attack the skin and hair of the scalp, causing flaky ringworm to form on the skin and hair loss. When the infection is treated, the hair usually starts to grow back. (Read more - Ringworm home remedies)
Sudden weight loss – Sudden body weight loss is a form of physical trauma, which makes the hair thin and weak. Mainly weight loss, along with hair loss, can also be a sign of eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia.
Chemotherapy – Some types of drugs used to treat cancer (eg, chemotherapy), can cause hair loss. After chemotherapy is stopped, the hair starts to grow and grow again.
Side effect of certain medicines – There are certain types of medicines that can cause baldness. These include some of the most common medicines such as blood pressure and blood thinners. Along with this, potentially some antidepressant medicines may also be involved.
Habit of pulling hair – Some people have a habit of pulling their own hair and they are compelled by their habit. Like some people keep plucking their hair while watching TV or playing (in a state of worry about losing). The habit of constantly playing and pulling hair can become a significant cause of hair fall. This habit occurs more in women than in men.
Aging – It is very common for women to lose their hair after 60 years of age.
How is Baldness Prevented?
• If you have the problem of baldness, you should avoid falling hair in it while eating and preparing.
• Avoid the habit of twirling, rubbing or pulling your hair frequently.
• Do things like washing, combing and brushing slowly.
• Avoid using hair dye, color and gel etc.
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