Natural Home Remedies for Sore Throat
What is Sore Throat?
Sore throat is a very common breathing problem.
It basically occurs when the delicate inner layer of the throat is infected with virus / bacteria, resulting in swelling, cough, and general effects of the body.
Occasionally sore throat can be a sign of serious illness. In this case, immediately show the doctor and take complete treatment.
Usually the cause of sore throat is also viral, and after some time it cures its own, but the number of days it lives gives much pain.
Special Tips to Relieve Symptoms of Sore Throat
For the sore throat drink plenty of milk in the milk while sleeping at night.
Boil 4-5 black peppers and 5 leaves of basil in 1 cup of water and make a decoction and after making it, drink will be relieved.
When thirsty, if you have throat thirst, drink lukewarm water.
Grind black pepper with 2 almonds and take it by taking it, you can get rid of throat diseases.
The presence of toxin in the body increases the sore throat, so consume excessive fluids so that Toxin can get out of the body.
Ginger tea is also very beneficial in sore throat.
Make a paste by grinding one or two garlic buds with two-three cloves and mix a little honey. Take this mixture two or three times a day.
Put a little turmeric in the milk and boil it and drink it before going to bed. Due to being antiseptic in turmeric, it will bring relief to the throat.
Drink Turmeric Milk for Sore Throat
Mixing a little turmeric in the milk removes the sore throat, it is a home remedies that have been running for many years.
Before bedtime, boil a glass of milk with 1 cup turmeric and let the milk cool slightly before drinking it.
Drink it every night, until the throat swab is completely healed.
Honey, Lemon and Ginger Tea for Sore Throat
Put a small amount of honey in the cup and fill it with lukewarm water.
After this, squeeze one to three pieces of lemon in it. Also grind a small piece of ginger and add it and mix it.
Drink it several times a day, it provides relief in both sore throat and itching.
Garlic with Salt Water for Sore Throat
Put half a teaspoon of salt in lukewarm water and mix it well. Fill a sigh of it and make garlands for 10 seconds. It provides relief in the throat.
Along with this, the salt cuts extra mucus and helps in reducing inflammation.
Repeat it twice a day until your throat is completely healed.
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